
Welcome to Matt Goes Exploring. Check out "The Trip" for all sixty + posts from my trip around the world. For other explorations stick to "Home" and for a glimpse into my crazy creative mind, check out "On My Mind" (more posts to come soon). [Social media links right down there vvvv]

Day 58: Meet Toomgis

Day 58: Meet Toomgis

Today a creature named Toomgis changed my life. He's the strange, and really creepy, mascot for what I think is some kind of convenience store chain out here in the west called "ampm." He's made out of food, and his name comes from the acronym for "Too Much Good Stuff."

How did this creature come into my life you ask? Well for whatever reason, when I went to the Dodger's vs Red Sox game today, they handed out paper masks at the door. The mask was a crude animated face of this monster, with eyes cut out. His hair is long twizzlers, his nose is a cheeseburger, and he has a thick beard of cheetohs. As you can imagine, he's not the kind of person you forget quickly.

I had a lot of fun at the baseball game today, not because I enjoy watching baseball so much, but it was fun hanging out with some friends and trying to make each other laugh for a few hours. But the person that made me laugh the most was the Dodgers fan a few rows behind us that had trouble coming up with creative ways to insult the Boston team. "Curse the Red Sox" and "Wet Sox" were his favorite chants, but every so often, he would chant "Whitey Bulger." This made me laugh the most, and I would often join in his chant, or start it on my own. The idea that chanting an infamous gangster's name to try to insult the city he's from was very creative and original.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, since the game did take up about five hours. But I did get another episode of Stranger Things in this morning, and I must say that this show gets better with every episode. Still highly recommend it.

After the game I went with my friend Andy to the grocery store to buy a few things for dinner. I know this may sound strange to those that haven't lived with me at all, but I bought pepperoni, and made the first pepperoni sandwiches since June. I am a big pepperoni fan, so this was a big step for me in the coming home process.

The night ended around eleven, it is a Sunday after all, and everyone else has to go to work in the morning. I did kinda just drop in on these guys with only a week's notice, so I knew I would probably have some time to myself. Tomorrow the plan is to drop me off somewhere in Hollywood while everyone is at work. I'll take most of the day to explore the city. There's still plenty I need to see, like the Hollywood sign, Santa Monica Beach, and who knows what else.

So the exploring isn't over yet.

I know you're probably wondering, unfortunately the Red Sox did not win tonight, but we still had a good time. And I think we all know that Toomgis was the real winner today.

It's always been Toomgis.

It's always been Toomgis.

Thanks for reading and here's to tomorrow.

Day 59: Back to Exploring

Day 59: Back to Exploring

Day 57: A Day of Victories

Day 57: A Day of Victories